
Z1,HVX200,XLH1,HD100 and 2 HD cameras

For us, I think its difficulte to gather these HDV camcorders side by side for the detail comparisons. Even they are so-called low cost HD cameras. I was so happy about reading the article from dv.com. I just wanna excerpt some results for my notations.
All tests were performed inerior, they didn't do something exterior, but I think it's still useful for cameramen who want to buy a HDV camcorder latterly.
You can see the original article here.
There are some test results here. (Please wait a while for download. It include pics and movies.All the content is from that article)

Those four HDV camcorders all using three 1/3" CCDs.

Canon XL H1 (http://www.canondv.com/), a 1080i-native HDV camcorder with interchangeable lenses, 1440x1080-pixel CCDs, and 24f and 30f modes in addition to 60i.
JVC GY-HD100U (http://pro.jvc.com/prof), a 720p-native HDV camcorder with interchangeable lenses, 1280x720-pixel CCDs, and 24p as well as 30p recording.
Panasonic AG-HVX200 (www.panasonic.com/business/provideo/home.asp, a fixed-lens DVCPROHD machine recording on P2 cards in either 720p or 1080i/p modes. It is said to use 1080p chips with an unspecified horizontal pixel count.
Sony HVR-Z1U (http://bssc.sel.sony.com/, a fixed-lens 1080i-native HDV camcorder using 960x1080-pixel chips.
The following HD cameras were tested together to check the HDV camcorders' relative qualities.
The 2/3" 3-CCD Panasonic HDC27F Varicam and the Sony HDW-F900/3 CineAlta. The Varicam has 1280x720p CCDs, while the CineAlta's chips are 1920x1080p-native. Both cameras had ENG-style HD zooms.


Surprisingly, the 1/3" cameras were very close to the 2/3" cameras. If all else were equal, the smaller chips should yield lower sensitivity. But the 1/3" cameras were all visually noisier than the 2/3" cameras; they've picked up sensitivity at the expense of noise. The Z1, the slowest of the bunch, had the cleanest, lowest-noise picture.
The HVX200's strong showing--it was the most sensitive of the group.

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Of the 1/3" cameras, the 1440-pixel, 1080i Canon XL H1 was the clear winner in horizontal resolution. The 1280x720p JVC HD100 closely followed the Canon and the Varicam with almost 700 TVl/ph and 700 lines vertically. The Sony Z1and Panasonic HVX200 brought up the rear. The JVC showed the most pleasing rolloff in high frequencies of any of the 1/3" cameras; it had less visibly distracting aliasing than its stable mates, and less than the Varicam.

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The Z1 : both its cinegamma settings depressed midtones too much for our tastes.
The CineAlta and Varicam took top honors overall; they had better resolution, lower noise, wider latitude, and more subtle highlight handling than all the 1/3" contenders--but their lead over the "toy cameras" was much less pronounced than anyone expected. The Varicam in particular yielded gorgeous images, and those who expressed a preference agreed that if they could take home one camera from the test, based on that one scene, it would be the Varicam.

The HVX200 was not the resolution winner, but it did a very good job on skin tones, handling highlights cleanly.

While the Canon was slightly crisper, the JVC rendered a more naturalistic, more alias-free image while yielding only a little ground in terms of raw resolution . Its image detail clearly topped that of the Z1 and HVX200. The JVC also seemed to handle highlights more gently than the other cameras.
There was little of the hue shift that characterizes overexposed skin on so many cameras; the HD100 "looked more like film" in this test than the other 1/3" cameras did.
If a winner were to be picked on how well a camera did on the tests as compared to its expected showing, the HD100 would be that winner.

None stood out as being clearly superior all around. When you consider that none of these 1/3" cameras comes anywhere close to half the price of their 2/3" brethren, you'll see that "half HD" isn't bad for the money.

要拿這四台一起來檢測, 雖都屬低價HD產品, 但也沒有那麼簡單. 剛好讓我在DV.COM看到這篇檢測文章, 細讀後留下可以看看的重點, 以供自己學習之用.

在sensitivity上, HVX200最優, 快而且雜訊少, 但綜合而言,四機之間差距很小.
在resolution上, 1080群, CANON勝出, 720群, HD100勝出. 在測試影片中, 在這下載看. 個人覺得Z1跟HVX真的有點落後了. 但HD100表現不錯, 只遜於CANON和Varicam.
影像渲染上, Z1的cinagamma會把細節弄得較糟, HD100對高亮度的成像細節最佳, 總合來說, 最漂亮的是Varicam.
有意思的是, HVX200雖然resolution不是最好, 但強光下的膚色處理最佳. 只不過有點偏綠, 必須要後期調色.
最讓人驚奇的是HD100, 它的雜訊最多, 但在高亮度下呈像最佳, 在膚色表現上, 測試者均認為它是最有影片感的一台.

結論, 沒有任何一台能特別勝出, 好消息是, 這些HDV都可說是物有所值, 買了都應該不會後悔.

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